BOEM Reschedules Public Meetings on 2017-2022 DPEIS

The U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management has rescheduled some of its public meetings for the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement for the Outer Continental Shelf Oil and Gas Leasing Program: 2017–2022.

The rescheduled meetings were previously to be held in Washington, DC (April 4, 2016); Houston, TX (April 12, 2016); and New Orleans, LA (April 14, 2016) to elicit comments on the OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program 2017–2022 Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement, which has been prepared by BOEM to support the Proposed OCS Oil and Gas Leasing Program for 2017–2022 (2017–2022 Program).

Rescheduled meetings will occur before the conclusion of the timeframe provided for public comments on the Draft Programmatic EIS (May 2, 2016). Rescheduled
Meetings will be announced through publication of a notice in the Federal
Register and at

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