NAS Standing Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment

The Ocean Studies Board and the Board on Earth Sciences and Resources, of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, have established a Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment. According to the NAS website, this Committee will

“provide ongoing assistance to the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) in its efforts to manage development of the nation’s offshore energy resources in an environmentally and economically responsible way. The committee will meet regularly to:

• convene experts from academia, industry, and other organizations to provide independent, technical input on issues of interest to BOEM’s environmental studies and assessment programs, and potentially other programs;
• facilitate stakeholder discussions of controversial issues;
• enhance the understanding of developments in related fields of science and technology, and if warranted, to develop NRC studies on specific topics;
• provide a venue for BOEM staff to meet and exchange information with staff from other federal agencies and help BOEM define its unique role in the interagency process; and
• facilitate the exchange of information and lessons learned with staff from other world class applied environmental studies and assessment programs with a view to assisting BOEM in being the best in such programs.

This committee is sponsored by the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM).”

This Committee will hold its second meeting in Washington, D.C., on April 14-15, 2016.

The Committee’s meeting website is here.

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