CRE Comments to NAS Offshore Science Committee on OMB Peer Review and Data Quality Requirements

On July 11-12, the National Academy of Sciences’ Committee on Offshore Science and Assessment will meet.  During this meeting, the Committee will be briefed on peer review by the U.S. Bureau of Ocean Energy Management. The current agenda for this meeting does not mention the Office of Management and Budget’s Information Quality Bulletin for Peer Review. Peer review at BOEM and at most other federal agencies must comply with the OMB Peer Review Bulletin.

Consequently, on July 7, 2016, the CRE filed with NAS a brief memo on OMB’s peer review and other data quality requirements.  The CRE memo relies heavily on discussion of these OMB requirements in two previous NAS reports.

CRE requested that NAS staff distribute the CRE memo to the Offshore Science Committee members and place the memo in documents that are publicly available for this project.

Click here to read CRE’s comments to this NAS Committee.

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