The Arctic is Back into Play

The issuance of a final regulation is not necessarily the last word on a public policy issue since it  can always be changed.

In the case of the Arctic drilling, it is going to be revisited by the incoming Administration.   ABC News quotes this statement by the Secretary of the Interior Zinke during his confirmation hearings:

President-elect Donald Trump’s choice to head the Department of Interior said today that he would consider reversing a decision from the Obama administration last year to halt oil and gas drilling in the Arctic, a move that could allow fossil fuel development in region.

Given the opposition to Arctic drilling by select but influential stakeholder groups it is essential that groups that share Secretary Zinke’s views become involved in the ensuing regulatory process.

To this end  CRE will be utilizing is analyses and comments in a number of fora to further the views of the Secretary Designate.

Pertinent CRE publications include:

CRE Files Comments on NMFS’ Arctic FEIS

CRE Files Comments on Proposed arctic Drilling Rules

CRE Files Comments on Arctic ICRs

CRE Files Comments on Arctic DSEIS

CRE will using this IPD as the platform for making the public and stakeholders aware of the procedural opportunities they can use to open the Arctic to scientifically sound and environmentally safe drilling and exploration.

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