Call for Action on Seismic

The Norwood Group has published a call for action by everyone interested in saving oil and gas seismic off the coast of Australia. The Group believes that third parties, including environmental NGOs, the Greens and even the fishing industry, are mounting a campaign of misinformation against seismic. The Group writes:

“We have studied the perceived ‘impact’ of seismic sounds on marine life in significant detail, and are dismayed at the lack of balance surrounding the topic in current mainstream media…

Based on past and recent worldwide scientific, peer reviewed research and observations during seismic surveys, we are very confident that seismic surveys do not have the impact that these third parties claim they have. The Norwood Group (independent of any individual oil and gas company) believes that there needs to be an urgent response from the petroleum industry, federal and state governments, and scientific agencies, in order to better inform the general public (and even the federal government’s own regulators) of the science and facts.”

The Group asks: “Please seize this opportunity by backing this ‘call to action’ and express your opinions in writing to the Federal Minister for Energy, Federal Minister for the Environment, your State/Territory Minister of Mines and Energy (or equivalent), State and Federal Opposition representatives, APPEA’s CEO, Professional Societies and media outlets across the country.”

Click here to read Norwood Group’s Call for Action on seismic.


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