Third JIP Program Review Meeting

The Baltic Marine Environment Protection Commission described this JIP meeting as follows:

“The Joint Industry Programme on Sound and Marine Life is currently in its third research phase. In each phase, the JIP participants have sponsored a Programme review. The first review was held in Houston in 2008, the second in Washington DC in 2012. The third Programme Review meeting is to be held from 9th to 14th September 2018 in Amsterdam, the Netherlands. This meeting is being held in cooperation with the conference on the Effects of Sound in the Ocean on Marine mammals (ESOMM) being organised by TNO.

The Programme Review meeting provides an opportunity for the community of research scientists to present their finding to regulators. By deciding to hold the third review in Europe, in association with the established ESOMM conference offers the opportunity to present the JIP’s work to a different regulatory audience: this is an important step for the programme.

Attendance at conference is by invitation only. If you would like to obtain more information about the research results presented at the meeting, please contact .”


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