Comment on NMFS’ New User Manual for Marine Sound Technical Guidance

The U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service seeks public comment on NMFS’ User Manual for Optional User Spreadsheet Tool (Version 2.0) for NMFS’ 2018 Revisions to Technical Guidance for Assessing the Effects of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine

Mammal Hearing: Underwater Acoustic Thresholds for Onset of Permanent and

Temporary Threshold Shifts (2018 Revised Technical Guidance). This User

Manual provides detailed instruction sand examples on how to use NMFS’ optional User Spreadsheet tool, which incorporates the 2018 Revised Technical

Guidance’s acoustic threshold levels to determine whether and how sound-producing activities are expected to result in hearing impacts to marine mammals.

NMFS must receive any comments by November 8, 2018.

Click here for more details and relevant links.

8 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. Bluetoothxkh

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  3. Milwaukeehmm

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  4. Dormanuze

    bride, Julie d’Angenne.

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  6. Testerzim

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