“ANP Launches Environmental Database”

The Brazilian Natural oil, Gas and Biofuels Agency published the above-captioned press release, which reads in part as follows:

“The National Oil, Natural Gas and Biofuels Agency (ANP) launched on Tuesday (25/9), during Rio Oil & Gas, the Environmental Database, which brings together, on a single basis, research data related to the environmental licensing during the oil exploration and production phases. The project is a partnership between the Agency and IBAMA.

The objective is for the ANP to collaborate with IBAMA in the process of granting environmental licenses, as it broadens access to reliable and georeferenced technical data.

The tool will gather information from the various environmental databases that currently exist, as well as aggregate new data from future studies. Among them is, for example, the basis of the International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC), related to the monitoring programs carried out during the seismic acquisitions carried out on the Brazilian coast.

The initiative is part of the Program for Modernization of Technical Data approved by the Board of Directors of ANP in early 2018, which involves four pillars of development: technology, infrastructure, regulation and environment. In addition to the Environmental Database, the Center for Digital Rocks and Fluids and the Network of Litotecas, Big Data and Data Science, and Radar Remote Sensing of Petroleum Activities still stand out among the structuring projects.

The intention of the ANP is to reposition the current Exploration and Production Database (BDEP) as a technical reference and source of consultation of industry, academia and government agencies.

The Deputy Minister of Petroleum and Energy of Norway, IngvilGjedde, participated in the launch; the Consul of Norway of Rio de Janeiro, SisselHodne, and the general coordinator of Environmental Licensing of Marine and Coastal Enterprises of Ibama, Antônio Borges.”

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