The Essential Library of Key Publications on the CRE OTC Hearing Aids Strategy


CRE Initial Filing

OMB Submission

OTC Reg PSAP Guidance

WHO Technical

CRE OTC White Paper.Dec-15 (f)

WHO estimates reveal that :

  • More than 430 million people (5% of the global population) live with disabling hearing loss resulting from a range of causes. This number is projected to increase substantially in the next decades unless action is taken to mitigate the risk factors for hearing loss.
    • 1.1 billion young people worldwide could be at risk of hearing loss as a result of unsafe listening practices.
    • Among teenagers and young adults aged 12–35 years in middle and high-income countries:
    – nearly 40% are exposed to potentially damaging sound levels in  recreational venues such as nightclubs, discotheques, and bars.
    – nearly 50% face the risk of hearing loss due to listening at high volumes or for prolonged time periods over their personal
    audio systems.

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