Editor’s Note: The following paper is part of CRE’s ongoing survey and analysis of regulatory review techniques and processes around the world. Dr. Feil deserves special recognition for his keen understanding of the development of regulatory review in the US. For more information about Brazilian regulation, see CRE Brazil. The complete paper, “Improving Regulatory Impact Analysis at the Brazilian Electricity Regulatory Agency,” is available here. Below is a brief extract.
From: George Washington University | The Minerva Program
The first step in order to propose a checklist specific for ANEEL is to begin with OIRA`s check-list. Some adaptation will be necessary in order to comply with ANEEL`s regulations and to conform to the Brazilian experience towards RIA.
The resulting checklist is as follows: . . . .
16. Does the analysis include a clear, plain-language executive summary, including an accounting statement that summarizes the benefit and cost estimates for the regulatory action under consideration, including the qualitative and non-monetized benefits and costs?
Considering that in Brazil there is not currently a regulatory oversight body , the use of this small set of questions could encourage as a self-evaluation of the quality of the RIAs done by ANEEL and help to avoid common mistakes, thus keeping the agency moving in the right direction, towards the continued improvement of RIA and, above all, smart regulation.
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