Rewards and Risks of a Federal Regulatory Budget

Editor’s Note: Below is the Part 4 of the Wayne Crews’ series of articles on regulatory budgeting. The earlier parts may be found here, here, and here. CRE’s website dedicated the implementation of a regulatory is available here.

From: Competitive Enterprise Institute

This week I began by making the case for a regulatory cost budget but wanted to spend time exploring looming pitfalls and political traps that could derail it or easily make it not worth supporting, or even rendering it something to actively oppose.

Tuesday, I noted how, just as the federal government treats tax breaks as an “expenditure,” budgeting could inadvertently or deliberately lead to government expansion. Yesterday I addressed problems surrounding trading off “social” benefits with private costs. Here’s the third potential pitfall for those attempting a regulatory budget.

Hazard 3: The Impossibility of Measuring Costs

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