The Country of Law. And the Possible Revolution

Editor’s Note: The following has been translated from the original Italian. For the pre-history of OIRA and cost-benefit analysis, see here.


Francesco Delzio


Yet, in the era of complex societies one of the main objectives of the Government should be to simplify the lives of citizens. With laws written in simple language, understandable to the average citizen, based on the principle of “minimum essential” red tape. But none of these virtues belong to the Italian legislature, which is Byzantine for setting and cryptic by vocation.

How to get out of this tunnel? Copying from whom the problem has already been solved. Establishing for example, at the Presidency of the Council, a similar body in the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA) of the White House as told in his essay “Simple” Sunstein, the OIRA was created in 1980 (35 years ago! ) by Ronald Reagan. The body establishing order stated: “Any new regulatory initiative should be undertaken, unless the social benefits that may result outweigh the potential costs.” It would be a revolution in Italy.

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