Get Ready for Annual Strategic Reviews


By John Kamensky | IBM Center for the Business of Government

A new law requires the Office of Management and Budget to determine annually whether programs meet goals set out in agencies’ annual performance plans. To do this, OMB has created a new review process.

A provision of the 2010 Government Performance and Results Modernization Act that kicks in this year requires OMB to determine whether programs meet the goals outlined in agency performance plans. If not, then OMB has to prepare a report to Congress on unmet goals.

To meet this requirement program by program would be virtually impossible, given the scale of government. Instead, OMB will assess “buckets” of programs, using agencies’ strategic objectives—a subset of their strategic plans—as the unit of analysis. Agency plans will be released with the president’s fiscal 2015 budget proposal in early March. OMB estimates there are about 400 strategic objectives across government.

So how will this new process work? OMB issued guidance in 2013, and last week, OMB staff participated in a governmentwide forum sponsored by the National Academy of Public Administration to describe and discuss the process.

What Is a Strategic Review?

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