The purpose of this Forum is to chronicle the extraordinary series of events that lead to the establishment of centralized regulatory review in the US.  The precedents it has established have been duplicated throughout the world including the use of benefit-cost analysis and decision rules such as the maximization of net benefits. For those who have more than a nanosecond interest in the evolution of influential institutions we have included historical accounts provided by a wide range of scholars.

This Forum is managed by the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE), a regulatory watchdog founded and managed by former regulatory officials of the regulatory review office (OIRA) of the White House Office of Management and Budget.

CRE manages a number of websites dedicated to increasing the effectiveness of the regulatory process, including TheOMB.USa website focused on OMB’s role in centralized regulatory review beginning with the Johnson Administration and updated constantly to reflect the actions of the current Administration.

To review daily events concerning OIRA and key libraries of it activities  see this page and the various forums listed in the  right hand column.


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