EPA Transparency in Science Rule: Open Letter to the Public

EPA’s well intended—but poorly  designed—rule for transparency in science will not provide the relief so claimed and will thwart real reform because it fails to capitalize on existing statutes which address an identical problem.

I am with the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness and I am highlighting an issue seldom addressed in the comments submitted to EPA as of this date notwithstanding EPA requesting that the  issue be addressed, namely:

EPA solicits comment on this proposal and how it can best be promulgated and implemented in light of existing law and prior Federal policies that already require increasing public access to data and influential scientific information used to inform federal regulation.

CRE views on the EPA proposal are on this link.

We would appreciate receiving any relevant materials you have on this subject for our use in upcoming discussions with Administration officials.



Jim Tozzi

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness  







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