Two CRE Links Which Capture the Essence of OIRA

The Highly Influential Links on the First Page of a Google Search

Google is the most popular of search engines. In that most visitors to Google seldom go past the first several pages of a search the placement of a post on its first page is priceless.

Google searches are used repeatedly by the public, regulators, the press, Congressional staff, academicians,  stakeholders as well as State and Local Government officials.

If one places the term “OIRA” into Google some one million posts are competing for placement as one of the items on the first page of the search.

It should be noted  that CRE is fortunate to have two of its posts on the first page  oira-12-28-16  of a Google Search for OIRA– an important event because heretofore the first page of the Google search was limited to government websites and the websites of  NGO’s who were critical of OIRA.

Editor  Jim Tozzi    Publications and Citations    WSJ

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