Influential Articles on the Management of the Administrative State

 Recent Articles Written by Political Scientists

OIRA 2.0: How Regulatory Review Can Help Respond to Existential Threats

We Need a New Framework to Solve Problems in the Wake of COVID-19

Administrative Burden: Policymaking by Other Means

Reviewing Procedure vs. Judging Substance:The Scope of Review and Bureaucratic Policymaking

The Contemporary Presidency: Executive Orders and Presidential Unilateralism

Policy Durability, Agency Capacity, and Executive Unilateralism

Policy Making in the Shadow of Executive Action

Measuring the Content of Presidential Policy Making: Applying Text Analysis to Executive Branch Directives

Presidential Unilateral Action as a Tool of Voter Mobilization

Unilateral Action and Presidential Accountability

Recent Articles Written by Attorneys

Has the Reign of the Economist Ended?

The Case Against Chevron Deference in Immigration Adjudication

The Lost History of Delegation at the Founding

Upvoting the Administrative State

Regulating by Robot: Administrative Decision Making in the Machine-Learning Era

Government by AlgorithmArtificial Intelligence in Federal Administrative Agencies

Takeaways from the Conference on the Future of White House Regulatory Oversight and Cost-Benefit Analysis

Recent Articles Written by Economists

The Consent Justification for Benefit-Cost Analysis

A Partial Review of Seven Official Guidelines for Cost-Benefit Analysis

Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs: Past, Present and Future



A Magna Carta for the Administrative State


Editor’s Notes:

(1)  Please note the contrasting areas of focus between political scientists and non-political scientists.

(2) This page contains a subset of a much larger number of studies identified by our readers dealing with the management of the administrative state. The positions set forth herein do not necessarily represent the views of CRE and are presented for critical review because of their ingenuity and painstaking analysis.

(3) However meritorious proposals are to improve the operation of OIRA they will have little impact unless OIRA personnel levels are, at a minimum, restored to the levels it had at its inception some forty years ago. Given the concern of any White House regarding its personnel levels the periodic doubling of the national security staff provides a reservoir for tapping the break-even slots needed for OIRA.


A number of publications are undergoing internal and external review for inclusion in the aforementioned library.


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