An Open Invitation to Explore the Mandates Which Govern the Management of the Administrative State

An excerpt from an article published on the website of the American Political Science Association:

Fortunately the Journal for Benefit-Cost Analysis held a forum where a unique group of leading authorities expressed their precedent setting comments on a recommended plan for moving forward on improving the management of the administrative state. The resultant comments establish the foundation for a deliberative discussion on the future managerial mandates for OIRA (Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs- Executive Office of the President of the United States) and the resultant management of the administrative state.

By management of the administrative state we mean the processes which not only govern how decisions are made but also the processes governing which decisions are made and who makes them. The panoptic deliberations envisioned herein differ from the ongoing inquiries of the legal and economic professions in that the former are more akin to an Act III of Dwight Waldo’s landmark book titled The Administrative State which was published two years subsequent to the enactment of the Administrative Procedure Act.

Consequently, it appears that as a result of the breadth and depth of the comments rendered by the nationally recognized leaders coupled with their compelling and judicious challenges there is a need to explore a more encyclopedic set of mandates to govern the activities of OIRA. Therefore practitioners and scholars in public policy, history, government, philosophy, public administration, political science, business, related fields and last but not least–science policy–(heretofore collectively identified as the “silent disciplines”) now have an open invitation to initiate a nationwide and public campaign for the possible embodiment of a new charter into the rubric of OIRA.”

The above quotations from the aforementioned article published on the website of the American Political Science Association are drawn from the article Management of the Administrative State which was authored by the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness.  We are mindful that the political science profession as is the case with most disciplines is confronted with the dilemma of “rigor vs. relevance” when preparing academic publications as forcefully explained in  How Political Science Became IrrelevantThe field turned its back on the Beltway:

The problem, in a nutshell, is that scholars increasingly privilege rigor over relevance.

  Kudo’s to the political science profession for making such a terse statement which has relevance to other professions, most certainly the legal and economic professions. That said the focus of this endeavor is elevate the political science profession to a leadership position in the management of the Administrative State.

The staff of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness has published research dealing with the management of the administrative state for a half-century and may be contacted by using this link.

Jim Tozzi

Center for Regulatory Effectiveness

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