CRE Critical Developments Library

For decades, CRE has had three actions on its “wish” list:

(1) To write a history of OIRA’s centralized regulatory review, including that of its predecessors, and have it published in the Administrative Law Review

(2) To write a history of the concept of a regulatory budget emphasizing its foundations in welfare economics and having it published in the Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis.

(3) To be interviewed by the National Archives regarding the history of centralized regulatory review

The aforementioned actions were accomplished because of the foresight of Susan Dudley(#1), Michael Uhlmann and Tom Kniesner (#2) and the Richard Nixon Foundation (#3), they are as follows:

(1)  History of Centralized Regulatory Review

(2)  OIRA: Past, Present and Future

(3)  National Archive Interview

See  a list of related Libraries


  • Wannabe pacesetters that never garnered  public endorsements comparable to those in the preceding section :

1969  Establishing Priorities for Public Investments

1966  The Optimum Mix of Heterogeneous Weapons Systems



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