Tozzi Publication as a Member of an EPA Advisory Board: Carbon Capture and Storage

From the 2009 Report of the EPA  Environmental Finance Advisory Board    Reproduced from this page



► SRF Investment Options:  Chaired by George Butcher, Butcher Mark Financial Advisors LLC, New York, NY

► Innovative Financing Tools:  Co-Chaired by Michael Curley, The International Center for Environmental Finance, Towson, MD and Langdon Marsh, National Policy Consensus Center, Portland State University, Portland, OR

► Financial Assurance Mechanisms:  Chaired by Mary Francoeur, Assured Guaranty Corporation, New York, NY Commercial Insurance :  Co-Chair, Justin Wilson, Waller Lansden, Nashville, TN Cost Estimation :  Co-Chair, Kelly Downard, Louisville Metro City Council, Louisville, KY

► Water Loss Reduction (Leaky Pipes):  Chaired by Terry Agriss, TAgriss Advisory Services, New York, NY

Carbon Capture and Sequestration      Chaired by Jim Tozzi, Multinational Business Services, Washington, DC 


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