AI Library

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE)
CRE Recognition
Regulatory Officials By Adminstration

A number of our readers have requested that we compile a list of references that CRE has reviewed in addressing the possible regulation of AI. In reference to this request we have decided the following:

(1) We will post references to only those documents that we believe deserving of the most serious attention.

(2) We will solicit the views of our readers as to the documents that fulfill the requirement in (1) above. When we post a document so submitted to CRE ( )  we will not identify its sponsor unless requested to do so.

Artificial Intelligence in Weapon Systems: The Overview
CRE:  A must read. What constraints (regulations), if any, does the military impose on AI?
What Are The Lessons Learned From Attempts to Regulate The Social Media?
CRE Editorials
CRE editorials  on  a wide range of topics are in preparation; we welcome your recommendations at  contact@thecre.comIt should be noted that existing resource constraints limit the number of editorials we can produce.
Unfair Artificial Intelligence: How FTC Intervention Can Overcome the Limitations for Discrimination Law
AI By Presidential Administration
Nixon Foundation
Ford School
Reagan Institute
Bush 1 School of Government
Bush 2 Center
A Look Back
Eye Openers
The Vanishing Policy Analysts?
Google Scholar
Google on AI

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