Displaying posts published in

November 2011

Mary Thornton, OMB Pressured EPA, Ex-Aide Says, WASH. POST, Sept. 28, 1983

Washington Post  http://thecre.com/pdf/OMB_Pressured_EPA.pdf

Dick Kirschten,The 20 Years War, 15 NAT’L J. 1238

Reprint from the National Journal 1983  http://thecre.com/pdf/20_Years_War.pdf

Office of Management and Budget Plays Critical Part in Environmental Policymaking, Faces Little External Review, 7 ENV’T REP (BNA) 693, 694–95 (1976)

A reprint from the Environment Reporter  http://www.thecre.com/pdf/Ford_PA1.PDF

Profile – The OMB’s Jim Tozzi, 1 ENVTL. F. 11, 11 (May 1982)

A reprint from the first edition of the Enviromental Forum published by the The Environmental Law Institute, please see
