Transmittal Memo of materials for the January 29–February 1, 2013 FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel

This memo transmits the charge questions, issue paper, and related documents for the January 29–Febuary 1, 2013 FIFRA Scientific Advisory Panel “Prioritization of the Endocrine Disruptor Screening Program Universe of Chemicals for an Estrogen Receptor Adverse Outcome Pathway Using Computational Toxicology Tools.”

 These documents include the White Paper, which is being provided for the Panel’s review, along with referenced materials. Additionally, these documents have been electronically transmitted to you via email.

These documents do not contain any information protected under the statute as Confidential Business Information (CBI) or information protected from disclosure to foreign and multi-national pesticide producers under FIFRA Section 10(gThe attached CD contains the documents identified in the table below. Please feel free to call upon us if you have any questions

 Read  Transmittal Letter

2 comments. Leave a Reply

  1. Endocrine Policy Forum

    “It is troubling that EPA is planning to conduct a four-day SAP meeting while providing inadequate time to review technical materials for this new and precedent setting program. We note that, with less than a month left before public comments are due (much of that time falling in a holiday period), the Agency has not released to the public or to peer reviewers any documents pertaining to this extensive scientific review, other than the announcement of the meeting2. EPA’s actions (or lack thereof) effectively deny stakeholders the opportunity to comment.

    See entire comment!documentDetail;D=EPA-HQ-OPP-2012-0818-0003

  2. Food Production Daily. com

    Researchers develop chemical testing system for product manufacturers

    A five-tier testing system aimed at ensuring manufactured products are free of endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDC), such as BPA and phthalates, has been developed by a group of scientists.

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