SAB Recommends that EPA Develop Data Use Guidelines for CompTox

On March 7, 2013, at 1:15 p.m., EPA’s Science Advisory Board will review the draft SAB Report “SAB Advice (1/29/13 Draft) on Advancing the Application of CompTox Research for Human Health Risk Assessment.” A copy of this draft report is available here.

This draft report includes several recommendations, one of which is that “EPA should develop data use guidelines for information generated by CompTox, including ExpoCast, for the various purposes to which it is intended.”

The draft report also concludes that “[d]emonstrating the predictive value of CompTox data and its utility for the EPA’s decisions is needed to overcome barriers to its acceptance within and outside the agency. This will require a combination of research to develop reliable methods and experience in using them to predict hazard and risk, relative to more traditional methods.”

A copy of the SAB meeting agenda is available here.

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