ACC Center for Endocrine Screening and Testing

The American Chemistry Council operates a Center for Endocrine Screening and Testing.  This Center represents a premier scientific, technical, and advocacy resource for the chemical industry on endocrine issues, particularly in EPA’s EDSP. The wide range of services provided by the Center includes the following:

  • Consortium formation and management through CPTD
  • Interaction on behalf of members with EPA
  • Preparation of Requests for Proposal (RFP) and proposal solicitation from contract labs
  • Scheduling of testing to optimize other scientifically relevant information (OSRI), assay known performance, and limitations of testing protocols
  • Review OSRI to determine whether one or more EDSP Tier 1 screens can be omitted
  • Interpretation of test data for individual assays and the overall EDSP Tier 1 battery, as well as submittal to EPA.

Click here for the ACC Center’s website



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