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The Need for Federal Outreach on Cybersecurity
A new survey conducted jointly by the Computer Security Institute and the FBI's Computer Intrusion Squad highlights the need for federal outreach to industry on cybersecurity issues. One key finding from the survey was that the "percentage of organizations reporting computer intrusions to law enforcement has continued its multi-year decline," However, the CSI/FBI survey also found that "the key reason cited for not reporting intrusions to law enforcement is the concern for negative publicity."

Effectively combating cybercrime will require that private organizations work closely and cooperatively with law enforcement and other federal authorities on cybersecurity issues. The ability of the government to secure cyberspace is significantly hampered by organizations not reporting unauthorized network intrusions.

During a recent reorganization, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) raised the profile of cybersecurity within the agency by creating the post of Assistant Secretary for Cyber and Telecommunications Security. However, further improvements in the nation's cybersecurity will take more than the issue be accorded a higher bureaucratic profile; it will also require new policies and initiatives to enhance cybersecurity by all stakeholders. Thus, federal authorities should consider new efforts to work cooperatively and, if need be, confidentially, with private organizations to ensure that cybercrimes are properly reported.

More accurate reporting of network intrusions and other cybercrimes is only one step in securing the global network. But it is a necessary step.

  • See CSI Press Release

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