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About CyberSecure.US

The security of the internet is a priority of the US government. Cybersecurity is going to be achieved, in part, through additional regulation, with a particular emphasis on the increased use of federal information standards. Legislation establishing the Department of Homeland Security gives the White House Office of Management and Budget the government-wide authority to promulgate federal information standards.

CyberSecure.US is a website dedicated to the review, analysis and publication of issues dealing with cybersecurity, emphasizing those issues dealing with the federal network. In that the federal network often sets defacto standards for the private sector, "regulatory" actions taken by the federal agencies should be subject to the same type of review as those promulgated by more conventional regulatory agencies.

CyberSecure is an affiliate of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness. The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness is a regulatory watchdog which monitors, reports and intervenes in the regulatory process to ensure compliance with the "Good Government" statutes which "regulate the regulators". Consequently, given CRE's watchdog role, CRE will begin to report on, and intervene when appropriate, in cybersecurity proceedings.

The information on any website is no better than the reputation and guiding principles of its "Anchor Site." The CyberSecure anchor site is that of the Center for Regulatory Effectiveness ( CRE is an established and well-recognized regulatory organization governed by former White House Office of Management and Budget officials (CRE Advisory Board) with more than four decades of regulatory experience (OMB Regulatory Officials by Administration).

The CRE is a regulatory watchdog (About the CRE) which works to ensure Federal agency compliance with "Good Government Laws" including Executive Order 12866, Regulatory Planning and Review, Paperwork Reduction Act, Unfunded Mandates Act, Regulatory Flexibility Act and most recently the Data Quality Act (Data Quality), of which CRE was the initial proponent (CRE in the News).

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