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.mobile, ICANN and the MOU
Advances in wireless internet services are providing new benefits to consumers, and a test for ICANN. A coalition of major communications and IT companies have applied to ICANN for a .mobile Top Level Domain (TLD). Sites using a .mobile TLD will likely focus on providing content that has been optimized for various mobile internet devices. Companies supporting the .mobile TLD initiative include Vodaphone, Microsoft, HP, Nokia and Sun.

ICANN's Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Department of Commerce calls for the organization to "[c]ontinue the process of implementing new top level domains..." The MOU also requires that ICANN develop and implement a predictable strategy for selecting new TLDs "using straightforward, transparent, and objective procedures..." The .mobile TLD proposal will provide a test of ICANN's commitment to the goals and procedures agreed to in the MOU. Thus, although ICANN needs to carefully evaluate the .mobile application, they need to do so in a fashion that is consistent with the MOU.

It is clear that mobile devices are an increasingly important part of the internet. It is also clear that one or more mTLDs will eventually be established to meet the specialized needs of the wireless internet community. What is less clear is what role if any ICANN will play in this development and expansion of the internet. It is up to ICANN to clarify their role and their future.

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