

CRE Interventions
  Agency Administrative Actions

  Federal Computer Incident Response Center
  National Infrastructure Protection Center
  National Telecommunications and Information Administration
 US Department of Commerce
 US Office of Management and Budget

  Domain Name Rights Coalition
  Electronics Frontiers Foundation
  ICANN at Large
  Internet Society
  The Non-Commercial Domain Name Holders Constituency

Technical Orgs
CERT Coordination Center
Internet Architecture Board
Internet Assigned Numbers Authority
Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers
Internet Engineering Task Force
Internet Mail Consortium
Internet Research Task Center
Requests for Comments Editor



September 2005

March 2005

  • Federal Standards: An Alternative to Regulation and Litigation

  • February 2005

  • Don't Bury the Bureaucrats

  • Cybersecurity, Terrorism and the Need for US Action

  • Cyber-Dissidents

  • Cybersecurity A Top Homeland Security Priority

  • January 2005

  • Global Interest In Protecting Electronic Free Expression

  • Preventing A New World Internet Order

  • OMB Focuses On Cybersecurity

  • The Urge To Not Merge

  • December 2004

  • ITU's Plans For A Substantive Takeover of Internet Management Functions

  • America and the Internet: A Look At Basic Principles

  • Internet Management and National Security: Time For A Federal Action Plan

  • November 2004

  • What Would An Independent ICANN Mean for National Security?

  • ICANN's Strategic Plan – Revisited

  • NRO Letter to ICANNfocus

  • October 2004

  • ICANN-ASO MOU: What Happened Between March and October? And Where Did Openness, Transparency and Documentation Go?

  • Which is Closer, the Moon or the European Union?

  • Should ICANN Challenge the UN on Internet Governance Issues?

  • September 2004

  • On To Africa

  • Nation Building: ICANN's Next Mission?

  • August 2004

  • Enforcing Standards for Internet Accessibility: The US Government's Responsibility

  • Australia's Request for Comment on Internet Governance

  • The Scope Of Its Mandate

  • June 2004

  • Internet Meltdown?

  • An Interesting Choice of Consultants

  • April 2004

  • Why Does A Technical Manager Function As A Regulator?

  • ICANN's 9th Status Report - The Goals Are Good

  • The U.N. Is Not The Answer

  • March 2004

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: Part 6 - ICANN's Strategic Plan

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: Part 5 - Securing the Quality of WHOIS Databases

  • February 2004

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: Part 4 - The Information Correction Process

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: Part 3 - How ICANN Implementation of the Data Quality Act Would Address Congressional Concerns

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: Part 2 - Congressional Concerns Regarding ICANN's Governance of the Internet

  • ICANN and the Data Quality Act: A Multi-Part Series
    Part 1 - The History of the Data Quality Act

  • January 2004

  • ICANN Subject to Data Quality Act

  • On to Rome?

  • The Future of Internet Navigation and the Domain Name System: The NAS Study

  • December 2003

  • Misunderstanding ICANN

  • What Is Internet Governance and Why Is The Issue Being Left to the UN?

  • Business at the WSIS

  • Advising ICANN On Revising Their Process for Acting On Proposed
        Significant Actions by TLD Registries

  • International Chamber of Commerce Responds to

  • International Business Organization Seeks U.N. Takeover of Internet,     Excludes ICANN, U.S. Government From Meeting

  • US Government Opposes UN Control of Internet, Committed to Free     Speech

  • ITU Management Of The Internet: Incompatible With Free Speech?

  • What Would ITU Management Of The Internet Mean for Ukraine?
  • November 2003

  • The Specter of UN Control of the Internet

  • Is ICANN Too American?

  • ICANN Intellectual Property Dispute Resolution Process Under Fire
        for Bias

  • ICANN to Appoint A Presidential Advisory Committee on the IANA

  • Issue of US Government and ICANN Control of Internet on Agenda
        for Information Summit

  • US Senator Calls ICANN Transparency A Top Priority
  • October 2003

  • ICANN Pledges to Adopt Unspecified New Domain Name Selection

  • Copyright © 2005 The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness.
    All rights reserved.