Washington Times picks up on discrimination, retaliation allegations at CFPB

From: HousingWire

Media recounts allegations from Congressional, GAO investigations

Trey Garrison

he mainstream nonfinancial press is picking up on an underreported story that HousingWire has been covering since March.

The Washington Times on Wednesday published a well-reported, well-written, detailed account of the allegations of racial discrimination, retaliation, mismanagement and hostility at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau.

Here’s a taste:

America’s newest federal agency, charged with regulating financial institutions to prevent another hostile economic downturn, is having troubles regulating hostilities and discrimination among its own employees.

Evidence gathered by congressional investigators, internal agency documents and Washington Times interviews with workers discloses scores of cases of U.S. Consumer Financial Protection Bureau employees seeking protection from racially offensive, sexist or discriminatory behavior, including that:

• A naturalized U.S. citizen, with more than a decade of service with the U.S. government, was called an “f’ing foreigner” by management.

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