A Working Paper on Actions Needed to Preserve the Regulatory Budget

The Trump Administration has done something that no other Administration accomplished–the implementation of a regulatory budget.  A regulatory budget places a ceiling on the total costs that regulators can impose on the regulated community.

It is, and continues to be, a very controversial program. Notwithstanding the laudatory actions of the Trump Administration, it is unlikely that a regulatory budget will survive a new Administration unless it is modified.

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) has developed a working paper OIRA Past Present Future.Draft.January- ( 2019) which delineates the process to be followed. The aforementioned document is under a detailed review by some of the nation’s most highly regarded attorneys of all political persuasions. The recommendations set forth in the CRE paper are developed to fit in the centralized regulatory review regime developed over a half century.

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