What Do CMS Five Star Ratings Really Mean?

In their report, Chemical Restraints: Anti-psychotic meds given to elderly despite warnings, ABC News 10 in Sacramento, CA reports that,

As documented in a coroner’s investigative report, Conover also said she thinks the drugs contributed to her mom’s death just 12 days after she was admitted to Roseville Point Health and Wellness Center.

She was as assessed when she entered Roseville Point as a well developed, well nourished 82-year-old female complaining of back pain to being triaged to Kaiser 10 days later as ill-appearing, obtunded, which is a medical term for being in a vegetative state.


The antipsychotic drugs are classified as heavy tranquilizers and have been linked to heart failure, according to the FDA. The agency placed a warning label on the drug Haldol. That’s the same medication that Roseville Point injected into Zizzo.

CMS gives the facility a five star rating.

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