AHA Calls for Data Blocking Clarification on Senate HELP Bill

From: RevCycleIntelligence


The AHA letter explains that data blocking provisions need to be clarified to ensure no providers are unfairly penalized for data sharing issues.

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions (HELP) needs to clarify and revise provisions regarding data blocking on its recent patient-centered EHR use draft bill, according to the American Hospital Association (AHA).

In a letter to the HELP Committee, AHA explains that some of the language used around data blocking is vague and needs to be revised for clarification. For instance, the draft bill creates separate definitions for data blocking from a provider and data blocking from a health IT developer. Although AHA contends that creating separate definitions was an appropriate route, it explains that the definition for providers needs to be rewritten for specificity.

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