Consumer Financial Protection Bureau: Additional Actions Needed to Support a Fair and Inclusive Workplace

Editor’s Note: The complete report, GAO-16-62, is available here. Below is an excerpt.

From: General Accountability Office

As part of ongoing efforts to strengthen its personnel practices and through the internal and external reviews discussed earlier in this report, CFPB identified specific challenges related to promoting a diverse, inclusive, and fair work place and actions to address them. These challenges and related actions can be grouped into three areas: (1) perceived fairness in personnel management practices; (2) diversity, inclusion, and culture efforts; and (3) practices for managing employee complaints. In the last 2 years, CFPB has taken a number of steps to address challenges in these areas, such as expanding training, improving communication on policies and procedures, enhancing diversity and inclusion efforts, and strengthening management of employee complaint processes. However, CFPB does not comprehensively report on its implementation goals and progress for the full range of its diversity, inclusion, and fairness initiatives. In addition, while CFPB is in the process of developing new tools to collect employees’ feedback on their experiences with the EEO complaint process, it has not created similar tools for its grievance processes.


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