By Katherine Hobson
- Health-care overhaul legislation celebrates its six-month anniversary tomorrow — and the debate over the law’s effects has only gotten louder since March. Health insurers are blaming it for premium increases, legislators are running against it in the midterm elections and Americans still don’t actually understand what’s in it, a new AP poll shows.
Most provisions of the law will be phased in over several years, though some — including coverage for adult children up to age 26 and an end to the exclusion from coverage of kids with pre-existing conditions — kick in tomorrow. (Many people will see those changes when they go through the open enrollment period for next year’s coverage.)
Everyone has an opinion about the law. But what we want to know is whether — and how — it’s affected you already. Is your 24-year-old going to be covered under your plan? Is your employer telling you that your insurance will cost more because it must comply with the law’s provisions? Are you planning to participate in the new high-risk pool for people with no coverage and a pre-existing condition? Are you worried your Medicare Advantage plan may see cutbacks