About  CRE


CRE Accomplishments

Regulatory Advocacy

Terms of Engagement

CRE Mission

CRE and the Regulatory Process

Seven Game Changers

CRE in Brief

Staff Background

CRE Summary

Jim Tozzi
Center for Regulatory Effectiveness
Publications and Citations

The Center for Regulatory Effectiveness (CRE) was established in 1996, after the passage of the Congressional Review Act, to provide Congress with independent analyses of agency regulations. From this initial organizing concept, CRE has grown into a nationally recognized clearinghouse for methods to improve the federal regulatory process.

The CRE has two paramount goals:

  • To ensure that the public has access to data and information used to develop federal regulations, and
  • To ensure that information which federal agencies disseminate to the public is of the highest quality.

CRE also conducts analyses of the activities of the OMB Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and serves as a regulatory watchdog over Executive Branch agencies. In this capacity, CRE reports on agency compliance with a number of “Good Government Statutes” including, Data Quality, Executive Order 12866 (Regulatory Review), the Paperwork Reduction Act, the Regulatory Flexibility Act, the Unfunded Mandates Act and the Congressional Review Act. See the CRE Report Card below.

CRE has no members, but it receives, from time to time, financial support, services in kind, and work product from foundations, trade associations and private firms. Consequently, at any one time, CRE benefits from the input or advice of literally hundreds of small and large firms.

Services offered by CRE:

About the CRE Web Site

The CRE website is designed to provide information and analyses on a variety of regulatory issues. CRE staff use such analyses as the basis for discussions with federal agency officials on the issues in question. CRE’s ultimate goal is to encourage rational regulatory policy.

The interested public is urged to take an active role in the public policy debate on the issues contained in the CRE site. Where possible, agency contacts will be identified and opportunities for public comment in the Federal Register or elsewhere will be noted.

CRE would also welcome your comments on any of the issues contained on this site, new regulatory issues which should be addressed by CRE, or how we might improve the website. Please e-mail your comments to comments@TheCRE.com or by mail at 1601 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20009.

CRE’s International Readership
Persons from around the world make use of the CRE.

CRE Links


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