An Open Letter to the Obama Administration on Transparency in Government

CRE has applauded and continues to support Administration activities to increase the transparency of government actions. CRE also appreciates the recognition accorded to its work by the White House.

 The President’s Open Government Directive requires federal agencies to work with non-federal groups to increase the transparency of agency activities. To this end we have developed an Interactive Public Docket (IPD) for the newly created HHS office which oversees the insurance industry.

 The OMB plays a major role in implementing the Open Government Initiative announced by the President. In particular,  OMB in a memorandum to agencies states that:

 “The Plan should include proposals to use technology platforms to improve collaboration among people within and outside your agency. “

 CRE has developed on such platform and it is called an Interactive Public Docket (IPD’s). In a separate submission to OSTP explained in detail the contribution IPD’s could make to government transparency.

 In particular it is the view of CRE that:

  —    the entire responsibility for improving government transparency should not be that of the federal government.

  —    the government should encourage stakeholders to promote transparency in government activities

  —    the government should encourage the development of Interactive Public Dockets by stakeholder groups

  —     Open Government Policy officials should establish a task force to monitor, review analyze and report on the HHS Insurance IPD with the objective of assessing its merits and suggestions for improvement—the resultant report to be provided to federal agencies for their consideration.

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