NMFS Seeks Comment on False Killer Whale Recovery Plan

The National Marine Fisheries Service has published notice of its intent to prepare a recovery plan for Main Hawaiian Islands Insular False Killer Whale Distinct Population Segment. NMFS requests information from the public on this plan. All information must be received by NMFS no later than November 1, 2013. Under the Endangered Species Act, recovery means improvement in the status of ESA-listed species to the point at which the protections of the ESA are no longer necessary. The ESA specifies that recovery plans must include: (1) A description of management actions necessary to achieve the plan’s goals for the conservation and survival of the species; (2) objective, measurable criteria which, when met, would result in the species being removed from the list; and (3) estimates of the time and costs required to achieve the plan’s goal and the intermediate steps towards that goal.

Click here to read NMFS’ notice of intent to prepare a recovery plan.

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