Senate Confirms Donovan as Next White House Budget Director

Editor’s Note: For a discussion of OMB’s role in overseeing one of Director Donovan’s most distinguished accomplishments at HUD, please see here.

From: The Wall Street Journal

By Damian Paletta

WASHINGTON—The Senate voted Thursday to confirm Shaun Donovan as the next director of the White House Office of Management and Budget, moving the Obama administration’s top housing official into a role with broad regulatory and fiscal responsibilities.


He has extensive housing experience but will face a number of other tests with slightly more than two years left in the Obama White House. The OMB director is tasked with crafting the White House’s budget, which is released each Spring, and he will face pressures from inside and outside the White House to focus both on the deficit and economic growth. OMB’s regulatory portfolio also is sweeping, as virtually every significant rule change must pass through the office for scrutiny.


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