If U.S.-Canada Cooperation Is Good Idea, Why Aren’t More Federal Agencies Doing It?

From: Daily Report for Executives™

By Cheryl Bolen

 President Barack Obama ordered it, top regulators swear by it and businesses could save billions of dollars from it. But when it comes to regulatory cooperation with Canada, some agencies just aren’t getting it.


In remarks to the RCC meeting, Howard Shelanski, the administration’s top regulator and head of the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs, reiterated the strong commitment of the White House to international regulatory cooperation.

“Our bilateral work with Canada in particular presents a tremendous opportunity to expand and advance our economic relationship,” Shelanski said.

It also advances the objectives that Obama set out in May 2012 in Executive Order No. 13,609, promoting international regulatory cooperation, Shelanski said. That order explicitly tied regulatory cooperation with broader economic and regulatory policy objectives, he said.

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