Joint Statement: United States-Mexico High Level Economic Dialogue

From: The White House

When President Barack Obama and President Enrique Peña Nieto announced the creation of the United States-Mexico High-Level Economic Dialogue (HLED) in May 2013, they established a new strategic vision for our economic cooperation, focused on delivering tangible and positive economic benefits to the people of the United States and Mexico.  Our robust cooperation and dedication to finding binational solutions to shared economic challenges strengthens both of our countries and creates opportunities for our citizens.  As neighbors and partners, we will continue to position North America as the most competitive and dynamic region in the world.


Advancing Together – Our 2015 Strategic Goals: We look forward to advancing our work in 2015 in six key areas – energy; modern borders; work force development; regulatory cooperation; partnering in regional and global leadership; and stakeholder engagement.


  • Regulatory Cooperation-To strengthen our region’s economic integration, we will pursue regulatory cooperation activities in such areas as energy, food safety, and transportation to facilitate cross-border trade and co-production, and reduce regulatory barriers to businesses on both sides of the border.


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