Senators want federal agency investigated amid guardrail concerns

Editor’s Note: Regulatory use of standards, including federally-developed standards and standards developed by consensus and industry consortia standards developing organizations, is governed by the Data Quality Act, as well as the Technology Transfer and Advancement Act and OMB Circular A-119. See here and here.

From: Channel 8

By Bennett Haeberle


In a letter sent to the Government Accountability Office on Tuesday, Sen. Richard Blumenthal, D – New York, and five other Senators noted “the questionable” safety of certain roadside devices which the FHWA approved and provided grants to states for widespread utilization of these devices. The letter goes on requested the Comptroller and GAO conduct an investigation to address seven areas of concern.


The letter goes on to identify seven areas they would like the GAO to investigate, including: the role the agency actually plays in ensuring safety and sufficiency of roadside hardware; the regulatory process for developing standards; the role the FHWA and others play in developing safety standards; mechanisms in place to mitigate conflict of interest among others.

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