OMB tells CFOs to run SAVE [Securing America Value and Efficiency] Award ideas by broader audience

From: 1500AM

By Jason Miller

The White House is using a restaurant-style rating system for the 2012 SAVE Award  contest, and it wants agency chief financial officers to be the food critics.

The administration is asking federal employees to rank money-saving ideas with  one, two or three stars — with three being the top-rated, most likely to  save the government money.

“In addition to reviewing and rating each SAVE Award submission, CFOs should pay  particular attention to those submissions that their agency ranks most favorably,” wrote Danny Werfel, the controller of the Office of Management and Budget, in a June 27 memo to CFOs. “The MAX Community  site will include a check-box to indicate that the ‘Idea is Recommended’ by the  agency. Agencies should provide this designation to the best candidates for  consideration of the SAVE Award. This designation should be limited to between  five and 10 ideas per agency, depending on the size of the agency and the number  of submissions. Before an agency indicates that a particular idea is recommended  by checking this box, the CFO must confirm with internal agency programmatic,  operations, communications and other stakeholders, as well as agency leadership,  that all parties are comfortable with moving forward with the idea should it  ultimately be selected as a finalist for the SAVE Award.”

The administration will kick off the 2012 SAVE Award contest in a few weeks and  provide agencies with a list of ideas in the next two months, Werfel said.

“To avoid repeating ideas, to the degree practical, agencies are encouraged to  review recommended SAVE award submissions from prior years to determine whether  analysis has already been done about the validity and merits of a particular  idea,” Werfel wrote. “These ratings and recommendations will serve as the starting  point for a deliberative process to determine which submissions may be considered  as finalists for the SAVE Award. Following submission of agency ratings of SAVE  Award candidates, OMB staff will review the submissions and engage further with  agencies as appropriate.”

The 2012 guidance is different than the 2011 memo. Werfel is asking CFOs to work more  closely with the program areas before finalizing their list of money saving ideas.

OMB also will issue a Budget Data Request (BDR) later this month, before the SAVE  Award review process starts.

The document will include more information on the timeline for the SAVE Award,  instructions for using the MAX Community site to review and rate submissions,  additional background on the rating criteria and other pertinent information.

This is the fourth year of the SAVE Awards. Each of the last three winners presented their ideas to President Barack Obama. OMB also  included the winning idea and others in the following year’s budget  request.

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