Fall 2016 Projects (ACUS Update)

From: Notice & Comment |A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Emily Bremer

This fall, the Administrative Conference’s committees are working on a full slate of projects targeted for completion at the 66th Plenary Session, which will be held in December 2016.  These projects include: (1) The Ombudsman in Federal Agencies; (2) Informal Agency Adjudication; (3) Public-Private Partnerships; (4) Self-Represented Parties in Administrative Hearings; and (5) Social Security Administration Federal Courts Analysis.  A description and summary of all information available about each of these projects is provided below.


The Ombudsman in Federal Agencies:  In this project, the Conference is updating and expanding upon Recommendation 90-2, The Ombudsman in Federal Agencies.  Adopted in June 1990, Recommendation 90-2 addressed “external ombudsmen,” who focus primarily on receiving and addressing inquiries and complaints from the public.  The present project studies the broader array of ombuds, including external and internal ombuds, that have been established since 1990.  It is intended to urge the creation and support of such ombuds and to suggest best practices and standards for the operation of agency ombuds offices.

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