OMB’s Mulvaney: Agency’s budget increase will help with reorganization responsibilities

From: Federal News Radio | 1500am

By Meredith Somers


“You will see us spending more money on places that are the president’s priorities and less elsewhere, just as we did with the rest of the budget,” Mulvaney said during a June 21 House Appropriations subcommittee hearing.

“We have the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs [OIRA], and also within OMB is the Office of Performance and Personnel Management [OPPM]. OIRA and OPPM are the agencies within OMB, within the [Executive Office of the President], that are primarily responsible for two of the president’s highest priorities,” Mulvaney said. “This is the executive order that deals with the reorganization of the executive branch of the government, and the executive order that deals with the deregulation of the government … through two out before one comes in.”

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