A Busy 68th Plenary! (ACUS Update)

Editor’s Note: Work on Plain Language should take advantage of the extensive federally-sponsored research on the subject in response to President Carter’s Executive Order 12044—Improving Government Regulations. See, for example, Revisiting Plain Language and The “FISAP,” Before and After.

From: Notice & Comment | A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

by Emily Bremer

The Administrative Conference will host its 68th Plenary Session on December 14th and 15th, 2017.  It’s shaping up to be a busy one, with five proposed recommendations going before the Assembly for approval.  From the Federal Register notice, these recommendations address the following subjects:

Plain Language in Regulatory Drafting. This proposed recommendation identifies tools and techniques agencies have used successfully to write regulatory documents (including rulemaking preambles and guidance documents) using plain language, proposes best practices for agencies in structuring their internal drafting processes, and suggests ways agencies can best use trainings and other informational resources.

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