69th ACUS Plenary Agenda: Paperwork Reduction Act Efficiencies

Editor’s Note: See also Comments on the Draft Report to The Administrative Conference of the United States on the Paperwork Reduction Act (February 2012).

From: Notice & Comment | A Blog from the Yale Journal on Regulation and the ABA Section of Administrative Law & Regulatory Practice

69th Plenary Agenda (ACUS Update)

by Emily Bremer

The Administrative Conference will host its 69th Plenary Session on June 14th and 15th, 2018.  If you have attended previous plenary sessions and are planning to attend this one, please note the new location!  For the first time, the Assembly will meet in the Jacob Burns Moot Court Room at George Washington University Law School.  The agenda for the meeting includes four proposed recommendations, described as follows in ACUS’s Federal Register notice:

Paperwork Reduction Act Efficiencies. This proposed recommendation encourages collaboration between the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs and federal agencies to maximize opportunities for making the information collection clearance process under the Paperwork Reduction Act more efficient, while still maintaining its integrity. The proposed recommendation encourages using generic clearances and common forms more frequently, providing more training to agencies, and improving several other aspects of the information collection clearance process.

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