April 23, 2013

Agencies don’t report cross-agency GPRA goals, but OMB doesn’t explicitly require them, GAO report says

From: FierceGovernment

By Ryan McDermott

Agencies don’t report how they work together to achieve shared goals, or  goals that could use resources from other agencies, as required by the  Government Performance and Results Modernization Act, because Office of  Management and Budget rules for reporting don’t make that requirement clear, an  April 19 Government Accountability Office report (.pdf)  says.

That lack of information could hinder efforts to eliminate duplication and  overlap.

OMB’s guidelines for agency reporting do not make it clear that agencies need  to identify all the other organizations and activities, whether inside or  outside their agency, that contribute to the execution of an agency priority  goal. Nor does OMB guidance require agencies to identify linkages between their  own priority goals and cross-agency priority goals, the report says.

Agencies identified internal contributors to their goals, but did not identify  external contributors for 34 of 102 prioritization goals, the report adds.

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