May 29, 2013

Regulation University: The Employment Costs of Regulation

From: Mercatus Center/George Mason University

Regulation University

  • Start Date: Friday, June 14, 2013
  • End Date: Friday, June 14, 2013
  • Time: Registration 11:30am, Lunch 12:00pm – 1:00pm
  • Location: Rayburn House Office Building B-339
  • Research Areas: Regulation

Concern over the impact of regulations on jobs is not new, but the efforts of federal agencies to forecast the likely impact of regulatory changes have never focused effectively on labor market impacts. This failure means that agency analysis misses several important ripple effects of regulation, in particular the economic cost of job displacement for workers of all ages.

Mercatus scholar Keith Hall will explain what agencies miss in their employment impact analysis for regulation, and what implications that raises for policymakers concerned about the economic impact of regulation over the long-term.  The program will address –

• The economic cost of job loss in regulated industries.

• The ripple effect of indirect job loss in other industries.

• How regulation can affect job creation, wage growth, and mismatches between workforce skills and available jobs.

Space is limited. Please register online for this event.

The event is free and open to all congressional and federal agency staff. This event is not open to the general public. Food will be provided. Due to space constraints, please no interns.

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