March 6, 2014

White House under pressure on ‘Waters of the U.S.’ rule

From: Politico


WHITE HOUSE FEELING PRESSURE ON ‘WATERS OF U.S.’ RULE: The agriculture industry has been watching EPA closely in recent months for any sign of what the agency might do with its proposed Clean Water Act rule, which would define, for permitting purposes, “Waters of the U.S.”  It was sent to the White House for review in mid-September.

“The White House is starting to hear from people all across the economy” that have concerns with the rule, including powerful energy and transportation groups, Don Parish, senior director of environmental and energy regulatory relations for the American Farm Bureau Federation, told MA. “They are reaching to the highest level in the White House, saying, ‘if you [move forward with the rule] you are going to undermine some of your other priorities,’” including job creation and energy independence.

THE WAITING GAME: The rule was sent to the Office of Management and Budget September 17.

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